Peach Beach – Real Thing

Written by Rujiero

Recorded: 19th February 2015 live at Urban Beach, Boscombe.

[arve url=”” align=”center” title=”Peach Beach – Real Thing” aspect_ratio=”16:9″ /]

Performed by:
Rujiero – Singer Songwriter and Rhythm Guitar.
Fernando “Touche” Mata Pelaez – Backing Vocals, Cajon and other Percussion.
TheOneTrueVlad – Composer and Bass Guitar.

Important License Information

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit the license page

Which means in short:
1. You can download and share it but you MUST attribute it to the author (Rujiero and Peach Beach)
2. You may NOT use it for commercial use
3. You may NOT edit or change anything before redistribution.

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